According to the study of history based on archeology excavation and the sheets holy book, the beginning of the jews in close connection with the story of the prophet Abraham, the U.S, suspected that occurred approximatelty 3800 years ago or 1800 years BC.
Tafsiran al-Qur’an indicates that ibrahim (Abraham) the U.S,estimated to live in the area of palestina at this time, known as al-khalil
(hebron) , live there with the prophet luth ( lot ) (QS,21:69-71). Ibrahim son of the prophet is the prophet and the prophet ismael and Isaac, son of Isaac, the prophet is the prophet Jacob. 12 is the son of the prophet Jacob, which was then known as the 12 tribes of Israel.
Youngest son of the prophet Jacob is prophet joseph, the U.S. is the U.S, which is known from history, after the left in the sand by brother-sister, a successful head treasure in Egypt. Therefore, his father, the prophet Jacob, brother and sister-prophet joseph overtake the U.S. to Egypt and live there in peace until one day the powerful pharaoh enslave the descendants of those who are known as the children of Israel.
Because the severity of the pharaoh is not measurable against the children of Israel, allah swt has sent the prophet moses (moses) is the U.S, and command to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt . moses and his people leave the U.S and Egypt , with the help of god’s miracles, around 1250 BC. They live in the Sinai peninsula and east of canaan . in al-Qur’an , mosescommanded the children of Israel to enter canaan
Moses after the U.S, Israel still dwells in canaan ( palestina ) , according to the historian,david (david) became king of Israel and to build a kingdom effect. During the son of Solomon , borders of Israel are in the nile river from the south to the river in the country eufrat now in northern Syria .
This is a wonderful time for the kigdom of Israel an many fields,particularly architecture . In Jerusalem,solomo build a palace and monastery of extremes, after his death, god sent many prophet to the children of Israel, even though in many cases they do not listen to them and betray god.
After death Solomon, jewish kingdom split in the north of Israel with the capital yerrusalem. With the tribe of jews over time fall under the Babylonians and assyuria or go to Egypt as a fugitive, when the king perssia kyros 539 BC. To allow jews back from their escape, many jews did not return,starting here in the diaspora.
63 SM Judah and Israel fall into the hands of the roman ornag years and 70 succesfull rebellion destroy Jerusalem and destroyed the monastery and Judah.
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